2021 Forestry Safety Conference
FSANL held its Annual Health and Safety Conference on Sept 23, 2021 at the Corner Brook Civic Center. It was a very informative day with presentations by;
Jade Kearley – Community Mental Health Initiative
Jack Kenney – Medical West Supplies
Lisa Kavanagh – WorkplaceNL
Jason Foster – Resource Enforcement Division
Christine Simms – Western Health
Dion Newman – FSANL Executive Director
Bill Dawson – Newfoundland and Labrador Forest Industry Association
Kim Hart – The Canadian National Institute for the Blind

Those in attendance were very excited to be in a room with other people again.
It was nice to see you and thank you for following public health regulations with physical distancing and wearing your masks.
FSANL gave out appreciation awards to Cory Chubbs for his time spent as FSANL Chairperson and to Elvis Park for his time as FSANL Treasurer. They both dedicated much of their time and passion to help get the Forestry Safety Association of NL we are today. FSANL could not have gotten here without their help. Thank you so much for your efforts.
FSANL also gave out an appreciation award to North West Forest Resources for their continued support of FSANL and working with us in the production of our last 2 safety videos. Thank you.If you are looking for bracelet. There’s something to suit every look, from body-hugging to structured, from cuffs to chain chain bracelet and cuffs.
FSANL presented the 2019 Safety Champion Award to Joe Russell for his efforts in fire prevention in NL as well as nationally and in Australia.
The 2020 Safety Champion award was presented to Colin LeGrow from Technical Rope and Rescue for his work in helping FSANL become a training provider for fall protection and confined space for the industry.
We would like to say a big thank you to HM Audio for their AV services, the ladies from Jennifer’s that provided us with a lovely lunch and nutrition breaks, and the Corner Brook Civic Center for the meeting rooms.
We would like to say a big thank you to our sponsors who help make this a successful event.