Forestry Safety Guidelines

Courses and Other Services

Baseline Hearing Test and Fit Testing
Welcome to the Forestry Safety Association of Newfoundland and Labrador (FSANL)
We are a not for profit organization governed by a Board of Directors comprised of different shareholders in the forest industry. Our motto is “Safety is good business – Plain and Simple!”
The main objective of the association is: For every worker to go home at the end of the day as safe and healthy as they began, while working with employers to maintain the safest and most profitable workplace possible. Through training and awareness we as an association feel this is a very reachable goal for our industry.
Our membership includes all industrial sectors in the Province’s forest industry including pulp and paper, wood harvesting, sawmills, silviculture, trucking, road building and value-added forest products. The association is growing as more and more companies realize they are not alone when it comes to strengthening their health and safety policies. As an added bonus employers are noticing that a strong safety program adds to their bottom line. Everybody wins.
Feel free to browse our site and don’t forget to check out our chain saw safety awareness course. It is offered to anyone whether you work in industry or just cut your own firewood. Safety is our top priority.
If you have any questions or would like to add something of interest please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are here to help.
Popular Courses
Learn how your safety program can pay you.
Explore the PRIME Employer’s Refund program.
Latest News
Trees & Power Lines Factsheet
Domestic Wood Cutting Permits Available
FSANL Outdoor Safety Tip Giveaway
The 10th Annual Forest Industry Health and Safety Conference
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